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Hi everyone! Now 27 years old and living in Bucks County, I am a mommy to the most beautiful baby girl, Sienna Jordan. Enjoy my journey of motherhood! Xoxo

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Labor & Delivery { 8.5.10 }

What I remember.
1. Longggest day...my water broke in the early morning. It really feels like a water balloon inside you just burst!
2. I had contractions 2 minutes apart for the next 10 hrs. (shoot me) The contractions just felt like cramps it was the back labor that was the real hell! 
3. I had an evil nurse ( until delivery) She at one point said I think we will send you home you are not dialating baby might not come till tomorrow!! Later when I needed pillows she told me they were all out....hahah 
4. My epidural did not take...the man that gave it to me was a 100yrs old and asian (no wonder he didnt hit the right spot!!)
5. The most beautiful, warm, amazing nurse came on shift right when it was time for me to start pushing!! I couldn't have done it with out her.
6. I was throwing up and had the worst chills...I felt everything.
7. My OBGYN is my neighbor and I think he told me he was going home to water the plants about the time the baby's head was out! Somehow he made it back in time.
8. He asked if I wanted a mirror to watch the birth...ummm NO!!! 
9. All I could do was scream "I love you! I love you! i love you!" when they put her on me for the first time.
I was being stitched up here while holding her...eeek
7lbs 2 oz 19 inches long
Perfection...I couldn't stop just staring at her. I kept making sure they would give me the right baby in the nursery. I kept saying, "Really this is the one I get to keep?!" The love you feel is unreal. enough said. forever changed.
Mommom...I think it's her 13th great grandchild:)
Peace Out!

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