About Me

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Hi everyone! Now 27 years old and living in Bucks County, I am a mommy to the most beautiful baby girl, Sienna Jordan. Enjoy my journey of motherhood! Xoxo

Sunday, July 31, 2011

binky craze

Sienna loves her binky...
These binkys crack me up that she has. With sayings like, "Pull to Sound alarm" "i party naked" they are more than a pacifier!! I got hers at Nordstroms with the sayings on them, but you can also find them online. (coolpacifiers.com)  Have fun with it. I will let you know how it goes when we have to stop the bink!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Crib Bootcamp

Sleep walking to make a bottle. Practically nodding off during a middle of the night diaper change. Bopping up and down the hallway trying to soothe baby in the wee hours of the night...crying holding my monitor to see her tossing and turning yet again...concealer could no longer handle my dark circles!!!...I had to do something. This book made all the difference. Here's my cliff notes for you.

Baby's have a "sleep window." ( They basically have to go down before a certain time, before they realize they are tired even. This was 7pm for Sienna.) If you miss the sleep window the body produces adrenaline which causes them to wake up more in the night and rise earlier....
The book will breakdown how incrementally each night you have to let the baby cry a little bit longer before going into check. When you go into check, you keep the lights off, and you do not take baby out of crib..this may mean changing a diaper in the dark!  Soothe baby with your hand, but not with words.
It might sound cruel, but it took less than a week for Sienna...she really was sooo much happier during the day sleeping through the night. ( 7PM TILL 645AM....wooowooo!!)

Here's what worked:
Dark out shades
Constant noise (the fan)
Keep the routine simple... bottle in rocking chair
Not waiting for her to fall asleep in my arms...just put the baby down in the crib. Do not stimulate!!!
Make sure baby is warm..Sienna hated being swaddled, but slept better with thicker snug pajamas.

Sienna this is NOT your crib!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Can I shower in my Baby Bjorn?!

I actually didn't register for a Baby Bjorn because I thought they looked retarted. This is the greatest thing ever invented. Sienna felt like she was back in the womb. Early on they face inward, and it was instant lights out. I didn't want to take her out...I got so much accomplished around the house...If only I could have showered with her attached to me like this!!! So If you don't have one, get one! Trust me. 

Sienna as a baby BOY!

Ok, I loved this little striped zip up hoodie sleeper...perfect for "her" first football game. Only everyone would stop to say "HE'S SOOOOO CUTE!" I started to just accept it and not correct people. When they asked for his name I simply stated, "Jordan!" ( Shortly after Sienna's ears were pierced!)
Three Studs!!! Can you believe that is Sienna on the right?! She was playing at her "boyfriend" Brooklyn's house when her dress got dirty...Brooklyn lent her an outfit!! Next time we are dressing handsome Brooklyn up as a girl!!! lol Please tell me I am not the only mom who has done this...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

First Photoshoot { Anne Geddes Baby }

So Anne Geddes wasn't available but EMA Photography was, which was who we used in New Jersey. FYI the good photographers usually require you schedule an appointment as soon as you know your due date! Crazy. Here are a few from the shoot... They were taken when Sienna was 10 days old. The room was literally 105 degrees and took about 5 hours!! The baby had to keep being fed! This is how you get the baby to fall asleep on a chair in a tutu or in a basket!! more to come...They were used for Sienna's birth announcement. Here are images from her 6mo. sitting using the same photographer...
Can you believe it is the same baby?!!

Sleep With Your Baby...go ahead!!

Sleeping with your newborn is the best feeling in the world...I know people scare you and tell you that you may roll on the baby...but I don't move when I sleep and I don't think I was really sleeping, but just listening to her heartbeat and watching her dream. Heavenly. I knew I wasn't going to make a habit of this, but until 3mo. she slept in the bed.

Labor & Delivery { 8.5.10 }

What I remember.
1. Longggest day...my water broke in the early morning. It really feels like a water balloon inside you just burst!
2. I had contractions 2 minutes apart for the next 10 hrs. (shoot me) The contractions just felt like cramps it was the back labor that was the real hell! 
3. I had an evil nurse ( until delivery) She at one point said I think we will send you home you are not dialating baby might not come till tomorrow!! Later when I needed pillows she told me they were all out....hahah 
4. My epidural did not take...the man that gave it to me was a 100yrs old and asian (no wonder he didnt hit the right spot!!)
5. The most beautiful, warm, amazing nurse came on shift right when it was time for me to start pushing!! I couldn't have done it with out her.
6. I was throwing up and had the worst chills...I felt everything.
7. My OBGYN is my neighbor and I think he told me he was going home to water the plants about the time the baby's head was out! Somehow he made it back in time.
8. He asked if I wanted a mirror to watch the birth...ummm NO!!! 
9. All I could do was scream "I love you! I love you! i love you!" when they put her on me for the first time.
I was being stitched up here while holding her...eeek
7lbs 2 oz 19 inches long
Perfection...I couldn't stop just staring at her. I kept making sure they would give me the right baby in the nursery. I kept saying, "Really this is the one I get to keep?!" The love you feel is unreal. enough said. forever changed.
Mommom...I think it's her 13th great grandchild:)
Peace Out!

{Dream Nursery...Get inspired*}

I looked through Pottery Barn Kids and Restoration Hardware magazines to get inspired. I didn't go matchy matchy though... I wanted it to be unique, peaceful, and practical! I'll take you through each piece quickly!
1. The bedding we wanted to be neutral { Sweet Lambie Pottery Barn }
2. The chandelier and lamp { Pottery Barn}
3. The dresser I love because it was an antique piece that was stained to match the crib. The changer topper fits on any dresser!
4. Sleigh Crib { Pottery Barn}
5. Boxes { Restoration Hardware} I have used the top box as a keepsake box of her first year.
6. Mirror { TJ MAXX I had a friend paint the sheep }
7. The glider was a hand-me-down...a rocking chair/glider is a MUST!
8. Dark out shades are under the regular blinds.... great for an early bedtime and naps during the day!
9. My monitor is the video monitor that I used velcro to mount to the ledge...worked like a charm!!
10. End tables/ corner piece and bins HomeGoods
11. I love the big rug with the hardwood floors.
12. The ceiling is one shade lighter than the paint on the walls...love the ambiance that creates!!
Anything else you see just ask...
p.s. You do NOT need a wipe warmer or bottle warmer or any of that nonsense...Sienna didn't need anymore Diva in her!!

Highly Recommend Maximizing your closet space! Lowe's had everything we needed to transform one row for hangers into a fully functioning closet space. Sienna's wardrobe needed the room!! The hamper even slides out as well as another bin to store diapers, wipes, etc. I am OCD about organization...when everything has a spot I don't care how messy it gets because it makes the clean-up easy!

FYI...I am 9 mo. preggers in photographs here! I was not prancing around the nursery in heels after delivery!! ha. (They were taken before leaving for a friend's wedding. )

Monday, July 25, 2011

A surprise baby shower is just cruel

Luckily, I had some say in my baby shower. I knew about my shower it was to be at my parent’s house by the pool. "Beach baby" was the theme….I couldn’t stop smiling I really enjoyed talking and laughing with the girls. My mom really should be a party planner. The detail that went into everything was unreal. We didn’t have any of the nonsense with the pregnant games. No need to measure my belly…it was clearly as big as a basketball!

I was adament about not registering for all things pink! I wanted things neutral!! I registered for a lot of chocolate brown/teal for the stroller, high chair, boppy, pack-n-play, etc. You have no idea how picky I am about clothes. I’ve always looked forward to being able to dress up my baby girl in the clothes and styles that I like, which is why I tried to hint at please no baby clothes as gifts! One mistake I made was shopping prematurely for baby clothes and then cutting off tags and washing the clothes. I bought 0-3 mo. bathing suits….why didn’t someone tell me my newborn wouldn’t be sunbathing or soaking in the pool?! And Sienna had such chicken legs that some of the little dresses just looked silly. Sleepers and onesies wayyyyy more practical and sweet. 

You are Not just naming a BABY!

I was so weird when I was a child my best friend and I used to make fake families. We would cut out people from magazines and name them. Since I’ve spent countless hours naming cardboard babies and children, you would think it would be easy! Ha. See the name has to endure so much from an infant to a teen to an adult from mean kids at school to actually appearing on a business card one day! Here’s a look at the names on our original Girl list. Mila, Gabriella, Mia, Isabella, Natalia, Kamrynn

No offense to those that have named their child Ava or Aiden, but they are played out!
Sharing names with family and friends is tough too because they always have something to say. Since I was a teacher, most names I couldn’t get past because I had a kid in school with that name who drove me crazy! Then when naming a boy, I don’t think you can go to trendy or soft. When naming a girl, you have to be careful it doesn’t sound like a stripper's name! Up until about 7mo. preggers it was looking like Natalia Jade.
Sienna came when my sister and her girlfriend were paging through the name book and said how about Sienna?! I liked it because I thought of Siena, Italy and Sienna Miller the actress I think is adorable! Ralph is 100% Italian and we had wanted an Italian name. Jordan, I love because I like having a boy’s name for a girl’s middle name and since I played basketball and idolized Michael Jordan, Jordan was the perfect compliment to Sienna. I’m not gonna lie, its annoying when people say,“oh I know a Sienna.” It’s like you want your kid to be the only one with that name!

40 weeks = 10 months, not 9 months!

Ten Random things about my pregnancy:
1. I felt like I got hit by a bus the first two months, Pure Exhaustion.
2. My three cravings: Gushers. Milkshakes. Fruit ( At least one was healthy!)
3. Worked out the entire pregnancy.
4. I cleaned out every cabinet, closet, drawer....OCD or nesting which ever you want to call it!
5. I swear by Mama mio tummy rub lotion. no stretch marks here:) ( I practically swam in it though!)
6. People just smile at you. 
7. Putting headphones on my bump and playing classical music every night.
8. Prenatal Yoga is a waste of money just stretch a little in your bedroom and hold some poses.
9. The weirdest skin rashes would appear, the dermatologist would just smile and say ahh pregnancy sweetie. ( Luckily my face was clear!!) 
10. I would freak out if I didn't feel the baby kicking and moving...and then I would rush to the kitchen to drink some orange juice. 
11. When you just can't take it anymore...a prenatal massage or a glass of wine:)

I remember this picture being taken, I was 5 months pregnant and didn't think I could get any bigger! wow was I wrong...
6 1/2 months pregnant
8 1/2 months pregnant