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Hi everyone! Now 27 years old and living in Bucks County, I am a mommy to the most beautiful baby girl, Sienna Jordan. Enjoy my journey of motherhood! Xoxo

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Crib Bootcamp

Sleep walking to make a bottle. Practically nodding off during a middle of the night diaper change. Bopping up and down the hallway trying to soothe baby in the wee hours of the night...crying holding my monitor to see her tossing and turning yet again...concealer could no longer handle my dark circles!!!...I had to do something. This book made all the difference. Here's my cliff notes for you.

Baby's have a "sleep window." ( They basically have to go down before a certain time, before they realize they are tired even. This was 7pm for Sienna.) If you miss the sleep window the body produces adrenaline which causes them to wake up more in the night and rise earlier....
The book will breakdown how incrementally each night you have to let the baby cry a little bit longer before going into check. When you go into check, you keep the lights off, and you do not take baby out of crib..this may mean changing a diaper in the dark!  Soothe baby with your hand, but not with words.
It might sound cruel, but it took less than a week for Sienna...she really was sooo much happier during the day sleeping through the night. ( 7PM TILL 645AM....wooowooo!!)

Here's what worked:
Dark out shades
Constant noise (the fan)
Keep the routine simple... bottle in rocking chair
Not waiting for her to fall asleep in my arms...just put the baby down in the crib. Do not stimulate!!!
Make sure baby is warm..Sienna hated being swaddled, but slept better with thicker snug pajamas.

Sienna this is NOT your crib!!

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